UPC | Size | Country of Sale |
0-62338-92736-7 | 141 grams unit | Canada |
Items that are grayed out indicate discontinued UPCs.
Ingredient Information
CAS #: 64742-51-4
CAS #: 68956-68-3
CAS #: 8002-75-3
CAS #: 8016-70-4
CAS #: Fragrance
CAS #: 63231-60-7
CAS #: 68527-08-2
CAS #: 3147-75-9
CAS #: Colorant
CAS #: 137-66-6
CAS #: 110-27-0
CAS #: 140-11-4
CAS #: 65405-77-8
CAS #: 68039-49-6
CAS #: 28219-61-6
CAS #: 103-95-7
CAS #: 61792-11-8
CAS #: 67634-14-4
CAS #: 928-96-1
CAS #: 33704-61-9
CAS #: 110-93-0
CAS #: 68901-15-5
CAS #: 8007-69-0
CAS #: 101-86-0
This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists:
EU Fragrance Allergens Chemicals identified as fragrance allergens in Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009, as required to be labeled by the European Detergents Regulation No. 648/2004. more info…
CAS #: 127-51-5
This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists:
EU Fragrance Allergens Chemicals identified as fragrance allergens in Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009, as required to be labeled by the European Detergents Regulation No. 648/2004. more info…
CAS #: 80-54-6
This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists:
EU CMRs Chemicals classified by the European Union as carcinogens, mutagens, or reproductive toxicants pursuant to Category 1A or 1B in Annex VI to Regulation (EC) 1272/2008. more info…
CAS #: 106-22-9
This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists:
EU Fragrance Allergens Chemicals identified as fragrance allergens in Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009, as required to be labeled by the European Detergents Regulation No. 648/2004. more info…
CAS #: 39255-32-8
CAS #: 97-53-0
This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists:
AOEC Asthmagens Chemicals designated as asthmagens by the Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics. more info…
CAS #: 104-67-6
CAS #: 106-24-1
This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists:
EU Fragrance Allergens Chemicals identified as fragrance allergens in Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009, as required to be labeled by the European Detergents Regulation No. 648/2004. more info…
CAS #: 89-43-0
CAS #: 67634-00-8
CAS #: 125-12-2
CAS #: 16409-43-1
CAS #: 97-54-1
This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists:
IARC Carcinogens Group 1, 2A, or 2B carcinogens identified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. more info…
CAS #: 37677-14-8
CAS #: 2500-83-6
CAS #: 78-70-6
This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists:
EU Fragrance Allergens Chemicals identified as fragrance allergens in Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009, as required to be labeled by the European Detergents Regulation No. 648/2004. more info…
CAS #: 1335-46-2
CAS #: 93-92-5
CAS #: 123-11-5
This "View by Function" tab shows the ingredients in this product grouped by functions within the product. Ingredients that appear on a Designated List are indicated by the blue symbol. Fragrance allergens included on Annex II of the EU Cosmetics Regulation No. 1223/2009 are indicated by the green symbol. Click here for more information on the Designated Lists.
The ingredients that add a fragrance to the product.
Fragrance: Changes the odor of a product to impart a pleasant odor or impart a pleasant fragrance in the air during or after product use.
CAS: Fragrance
The ingredients that support the performance of the product, including ensuring its stability over the product lifetime.
Wax: A solid, used in candles, that melts or softens easily when heated.
CAS: 64742-51-4
Wax: A solid, used in candles, that melts or softens easily when heated.
CAS: 68956-68-3
Oil: A liquid that is very slippery and greasy.
CAS: 8002-75-3
Solvent: Solubilizes or dissolves at least one other substance to form a solution.
CAS: 8016-70-4
Emulsifier: Prevents the separation of oil and water ingredients in a product so that the product does not have to be shaken before use.
CAS: 63231-60-7
Wax: A solid, used in candles, that melts or softens easily when heated.
CAS: 68527-08-2
UV Stabilizer: Absorbs UV light to prevent the degradation of the product over time.
CAS: 3147-75-9
Colorant: Changes the color of a product (includes dyes and pigments).
CAS: Colorant
Antioxidant: A substance added to a product to prevent or delay its deterioration by the oxygen in air.
CAS: 137-66-6
The ingredients within the fragrance that are over 0.01% or on a Designated List.
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 110-27-0
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 140-11-4
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 65405-77-8
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 68039-49-6
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 28219-61-6
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 103-95-7
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 61792-11-8
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 67634-14-4
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 928-96-1
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 33704-61-9
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 110-93-0
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 68901-15-5
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 8007-69-0
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 101-86-0
This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists:
EU Fragrance Allergens: Chemicals identified as fragrance allergens in Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009, as required to be labeled by the European Detergents Regulation No. 648/2004. more info…
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 127-51-5
This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists:
EU Fragrance Allergens: Chemicals identified as fragrance allergens in Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009, as required to be labeled by the European Detergents Regulation No. 648/2004. more info…
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 80-54-6
This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists:
EU CMRs: Chemicals classified by the European Union as carcinogens, mutagens, or reproductive toxicants pursuant to Category 1A or 1B in Annex VI to Regulation (EC) 1272/2008. more info…
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 106-22-9
This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists:
EU Fragrance Allergens: Chemicals identified as fragrance allergens in Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009, as required to be labeled by the European Detergents Regulation No. 648/2004. more info…
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 39255-32-8
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 97-53-0
This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists:
AOEC Asthmagens: Chemicals designated as asthmagens by the Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics. more info…
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 104-67-6
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 106-24-1
This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists:
EU Fragrance Allergens: Chemicals identified as fragrance allergens in Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009, as required to be labeled by the European Detergents Regulation No. 648/2004. more info…
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 89-43-0
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 67634-00-8
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 125-12-2
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 16409-43-1
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 97-54-1
This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists:
IARC Carcinogens : Group 1, 2A, or 2B carcinogens identified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. more info…
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 37677-14-8
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 2500-83-6
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 78-70-6
This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists:
EU Fragrance Allergens: Chemicals identified as fragrance allergens in Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009, as required to be labeled by the European Detergents Regulation No. 648/2004. more info…
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 1335-46-2
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 93-92-5
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
CAS: 123-11-5
Regulatory Information
Agency | Reg # | Category |
CCCR | Candle |