STREPSILS® Extra Sore Throat Lozenges - Black Cherry (Canada)

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STREPSILS Extra Sore Throat Lozenges  Black Cherry Canada

3-63824-99223-536 count box
8-39977-00158-724 count box
This Ingredients tab shows the ingredients in this product grouped into the following categories: Active Ingredients, Intentionally Added, Fragrance Components and Non-Functional Constituents. Ingredients that appear on a Designated List are indicated by the blue symbol. Fragrance allergens included on Annex II of the EU Cosmetics Regulation No. 1223/2009 are indicated by the green symbol. Click here for more information on the Designated Lists.
Drug: A substance that has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by STREPSILS®.
CAS #: 2216-51-5

This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists

EU Fragrance Allergens: Chemicals identified as fragrance allergens in Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009, as required to be labeled by the European Detergents Regulation No. 648/2004.  more info…

Sweetener: Improves or sweetens the taste of a product.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by STREPSILS®.
CAS #: 8029-43-4
Sweetener: Improves or sweetens the taste of a product.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by STREPSILS®.
CAS #: 57-50-1
Solvent: Solubilizes or dissolves at least one other substance to form a solution.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by STREPSILS®.
CAS #: 57-55-6

This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists

NY DOH MCLs: Chemicals for which Maximum Contaminant Levels have been established and adopted in Tables 1, 3, 3A, and 7 of Subpart 5-1.52 of Title 10 of the New York Code of the Rules and Regulations (10 NYCRR Subpart 5-1.52).  more info…

Drug: A substance that has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by STREPSILS®.
CAS #: 136-77-6
Colorant: Changes the color of a product (includes dyes and pigments).
Ingredient descriptions are provided by STREPSILS®.
CAS #: 3567-69-9
Flavor: Changes the taste of a product to make it pallatable.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by STREPSILS®.
CAS #: Not Available

The list above contains the product ingredients listed in descending weight percent within each category. The ingredient names use the INCI (or equivalent) nomenclature system. Click here for more information on the nomenclature system.

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