Bodi-Ome® Femme Power ™

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BodiOme Femme Power

Adult - Capsules
0-20525-40006-230 capsules
This Ingredients tab shows the ingredients in this product grouped into the following categories: Active Ingredients, Intentionally Added, Fragrance Components and Non-Functional Constituents. Ingredients that appear on a Designated List are indicated by the blue symbol. Fragrance allergens included on Annex II of the EU Cosmetics Regulation No. 1223/2009 are indicated by the green symbol. Click here for more information on the Designated Lists.
Vitamin: An ingredient meant to provide nutrional value to the consumer.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by BODI-OME®.
CAS #: L040030000
Vitamin: An ingredient meant to provide nutrional value to the consumer.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by BODI-OME®.
CAS #: L040010000
Sweetener: Improves or sweetens the taste of a product.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by BODI-OME®.
CAS #: 9050-36-6
Polymer: A large molecule, or macromolecule, composed of many repeated subunits
Ingredient descriptions are provided by BODI-OME®.
CAS #: 9004-34-6
Binder: Helps bind the product ingredients together in a tablet format.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by BODI-OME®.
CAS #: 9004-65-3
Pigment: An inert substance used to adjust the color of a tablet coating.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by BODI-OME®.
CAS #: 13463-67-7
Processing Aid: An ingredient used to increase efficiency or aid in the manufacturing of the product.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by BODI-OME®.
CAS #: 557-04-0

The list above contains the product ingredients listed in descending weight percent within each category. The ingredient names use the INCI (or equivalent) nomenclature system. Click here for more information on the nomenclature system.

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